Public invited to tennis courts’ grand opening

Members of the public are invited to join the celebrations as Egerton Park’s newly renovated tennis courts are officially opened.

To mark the occasion on Monday, May 27, a series of taster sessions will be held throughout the morning giving the whole family a chance to try out the new courts with the help of professional coaches.

The event will start at 10am and sessions include a fun starter course for children aged four to 11, modified tennis for people with disabilities and a tennis fitness class.

Spaces for taster sessions can be booked at

Cllr Hazel Timpe, portfolio holder for neighbourhood services, said: “Investment from the UK Government and LTA Tennis Foundation has transformed the park’s tennis courts and I’m delighted that we can hold this event to show residents the wonderful facilities on offer.

“The open morning is a great opportunity for people to try their hand at tennis, get expert advice from coaches and see how they can get active.”

UK Government and LTA Tennis Foundation investment of more than £100,000 – part of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Park Project funded work on all five public tennis courts at Egerton Park including resurfacing, new nets and posts and a new gate system.

The courts can be booked via with the new booking systems and gate access technology making it easier to get on court by booking in advance to guarantee availability. 

Rother District Council is working with the LTA and the charity Tennis For Free to deliver a range of activities at Egerton Park to encourage more residents to play tennis.


Published: 14th May 2024

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